On this occasion a large number of 40 plus made the effort to attend Letham Grange Golf course. With 50 knot winds gusting on the day it was no picnic but Rory Matthews and Graeme Milne claimed the second shield and were worthy winners.
With it being our first outing and unaware of how it would unfold we managed to raise £1000 which was the first donatiON since Neil’s funeral to The Neil Fyfe Golf Foundation and the benchmark for an annual competition.
With it being the first year anniversary of Neil’s passing a lot is to be said of all that attended and made this a very special outing not only for Neil’s family but for everyone close to Neil and wanting to make good of his memory.
The response from all who attended or the donations from those who couldn’t was quite remarkable and was a fantastic night with £4100 being raised for the evening’s events.
Again this money was donated to The NFGF so that it could be channelled by the Paul Lawrie Foundation into young golfers improving in the sport at that time. We were delighted to hear that some real prospects were beginning to benefit from this funding at this was a great sense of pride to all who had worked and contributed.

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AB12 5YN