The sun was shining for the last flag event of the year before our flag finals on Sunday the 30th of October where all medal winners from throughout the year will take part and battle it out to be crowned flag champion. We had 26 kids competing at The Paul Lawrie Golf Centre.

Special mention to Conlan Waldron who got all the way to the 12th green and beat the furthest ever score in a flag event to date, well done Conlan!

Please see results below for today’s event:

Under 10 Boys

1st Place – Harry Mawhinney

2nd Place – Euan Youngson

3rd Place – Leo Yeats


Under 12 Girls

1st Place – Lois Reid

2nd Place – Amy Blackadder

3rd Place – Edith Malcolm


Under 12 Boys

1st Place – Conlan Waldron

2nd Place – Jake Duncan

3rd Place – Dillon Middleton

Well done to everyone who played and thanks to all who came along, we look forward to seeing all medal winners from throughout the year at the flag finals on Sunday 30th of October.